ERC Advanced Grant 2014


Multi-conceptual design of fire barrier
A systemic approach

Job opportunities

Five three-years PhD, three two-years postdocs and an five-years engineer position will be funded during the course of the project. The offers can be consulted online on euraxess jobs (

It is also possible to apply for support on short-term projects related to “FireBar-concept” and associated technical developments. Applications must be sent by e-mail to Serge Bourbigot (


3 years PhD positions

1. Conceptualization of fire barrier: fundamentals and experimental approach

started on 2016-01-01 by Tatenda Nyazika
2. Design and synthesis of conceptualized flame retardant started on 2016-10-01 by Aditya Ramgobin
3. Smart measurements at reduced scale mimicking fire scenarios started on 2016-10-01by Roland Adanménou
4. Multi-materials: combination of concepts

started on 2018-01-01 by Laura Geoffroy

started on 2018-01-01 by Anne-Lise Davesne

5. Thin coating for fire protection


2 years Postdoctoral positions

1. Characterization of the thermophysical properties of flame retarted materials

and simulation of the fire behavior

started on 2016-01-01 by Pauline Tranchard


2. Characterization of the condensed and gaseous phases of flame retarted

materials upon burning

started on 2016-05-02 by Gizem Okyay


3. Optimization of FR materials based on fundamental concepts started on 2016-01-01 by Pauline Tranchard


5 years research engineer position

Engineer in reaction and resistance to fire of materials started on 2016-01-01 by Johan Sarazin